Questions about the OLS

If you have questions about using the OLS in k12, please see the website below for "quick tour" videos that explain how to do almost everything in the OLS!


Questions about eSchool

1. How much progress should my student be making each week?

     eSchool students are expected to make 2.5% of progress in each class per week. The number of lessons this equates to is different for every student, but it will be the equivalent of their current weekly schedule.

2. What if my child is sick or misses one day of school work?

     If a student is not going to be school work for one or two days, k12 will not assign "extra" lessons for the lessons they missed while they were "absent." Instead, everything will be pushed back by one day, or however many days the student missed. So to "catch up," you will have to skip forward and look at the next day (or days) worth of work to see what lessons need to be completed.

3. Do I need to let the teacher know if my student will be absent?

     If your student is sick for a day or two or something comes up in your family where your student wasn't able to complete any work, you do NOT need to let the teacher know. However, if your student will not being completing school work for more than 3 days because of illness or vacation, please let the teacher know so we can have record of why your student may not have met their progress goal for the week.

4. How stingy are you on meeting the 2.5% of progress each week? 

     eSchool recommends you complete 2.5% of progress each week in order to finish their courses by the end of the school year. You will not be penalized as long as you don't get farther than 5% (the equivalent of two weeks) behind. Students who drop more than 10% behind in a course will be issued a truancy citation. Students CAN complete MORE than 2.5% in each course per week if they would like to. 

5. Can my student enter his/her own progress?
    This is only allowable when the student is living independently and is no longer under the care of a parent or guardian. Otherwise, the Attendance screen is only available from the Learning Coach log in. If your student can see this screen, then he or she is not using a student account log in – create a student account immediately. Your student should have their own accounts to complete their work and should not use the parent account. The student account provides numerous tools and reports designed to help students manage their courses and assignments. They miss out on these tools when using the Learning Coach log in. 
Setting Up the Student Account
Go to www.k12.com
Click on “OLS LogIn”
Click on “My Account” at the top of the screen that appears.
 Student accounts are listed on the right if they are made. Otherwise, the learning coach will have an option that allows them to create student accounts. They can edit the usernames and passwords from this screen by clicking “Edit”.

6. What is the school’s schedule?
            Provo eSchool will follow the school district calendar and observe all holidays and breaks on that calendar. You may view this calendar here:http://documents.provo.edu/employee/contractCalendars/14-15/calendars14-15-180.pdf  

7. What are truancy citations?

    Provo School District requires students "attend" school for a certain number of days each year. Because eSchool does not require you to track how long your student spends on school each day, we track "attendance" by the progress they make each week. Ultimately, we want eSchool to be flexible for you and your family (hence the two weeks of wiggle room), but we also want to ensure that your student will have enough time to learn everything they should in their grade level before progressing to the next and providing them with a full and rich education. If a student falls 10% or more behind in a course, a truancy citation is issued. The truancy citation progression is:
  •       1st citation: the student is 10% behind or more in a course. A letter will be sent home asking the parent or learning coach to call the teacher and come up with a plan to get the student back on track, and discuss any reasons why they haven't been making adequate progress.
  • 2nd citation: the student still has not made adequate progress over a determined amount of time (decided from the 1st citation). A letter will be sent home asking the parent and student to come in for a meeting with the teacher and eSchool counselor to discuss progress concerns and decide a new plan of action to get the student caught up.
  • 3rd citation: the student still has not made adequate progress over a determined amount of time (decided from the 2nd citation). The parents or learning coaches will be expected to attend Truancy School held at the Provo School District Office where they will learn about truancy, it's importance, and consequences when truancy is not kept in our district.
  • 4th citation: the student still has not made adequate progress over a determined amount of time (decided from the 3rd citation). The parents or learning coaches will be held accountable for the amount of time the student has been truant, and ordered to appear in a truancy court by Provo City's Juvenile Justice System. The judge and school district will decide at that point what the plan of action will be and what is best for the student's education.
8. What if my student needs help?
     The teachers, aides, and counselors with eSchool stand ready to help you or your student in anyway we can. Tutoring is available for students who need it twice a week. See the "contact info" tab for more information about tutoring.  

9. What are class connect sessions and are they required? 

     Class connect sessions are online meetings held using a video chat/interactive whiteboard interface. See the calendar link for days and times of these meetings. All K-8 students are invited to attend during Monday Morning Meetings (MMM) where we will discuss upcoming announcements, events, birthdays, interesting news, etc. Grade level meetings held throughout the week will be grade level specific. Some weeks lessons are taught directly from k12, other weeks lessons are held to focus on review or mastery of a concept that will be tested at the end of the year. Class connect sessions are not mandatory to attend, however it is strongly encouraged. 

10. Why does my child have lessons still “not mastered”?
            A lesson will show as “not mastered” if the lesson tutorial online has not been completed, or if an assessment still has not been taken.

11. Where are my materials?
            In your “My Info” area, click the “Shipments” tab. All shipments will be listed there. Click on the order number to see the materials included in each shipment. If you don’t
            See what you are looking for or if you believe you are missing a shipment call 1-866-k12-CARE. Click on your “My Info” tab in your students section. If you do not see what you are looking for or you believe you are missing a shipment call 1-866-k12-CARE.
12.  How do I change my phone and address?
Go to www.k12.com, and click on OLS Login. Enter your username and password. Once in the OLS,  click on “My Info”. When the My Info screen appears, click on “My Account”. You can edit your phone number, email address and user name and password there. If you need to change your mailing address, you must contact your advisor.
13.  What time does school start each day?
    Your school is an asynchronous school, which means there are very few scheduled times that your student needs to be on line. It is suggested that they create a schedule that works best for them. Sleeping all morning is not always the best idea. Most courses and teachers will have live sessions at specific times during the week. Keep an eye out in their announcements as to when they will be occurring. 
14. How do I find the live sessions?
    On the course homepage there will be a link in the “Teacher Contact Information” or the “Class Connect Section”. Click on the link to the teacher’s classroom.
15.   How do I access the recorded sessions?
    You should be able to access lists of recorded session links in the “Doc Sharing” tab of your courses or in the “Class-Connect” Section. Your teacher will also email a link out each week after the session to watch the recorded session.
16.   How does my student turn in work?
    Most worksheets and activities are not turned in through the k12 system. However, assessments will be completed either online, or offline. If an assessment is completed online it will be scored automatically. If it is an offline assessment, it will need to be administered by the learning coach, scored by the learning coach, and the grade entered in by the learning coach.

If there are any unanswered questions please refer to the Student Handbook.


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