Study Island

Welcome to Study Island!
What is Study Island?
·      Study Island is a secondary resource you can use to help master skills found in the Common Core and practice for end of year testing. You can also use it anytime to review and practice concepts you are learning!
Who can use Study Island?
·      You can!
When can you use Study Island?
·      Whenever you want, whenever you need help mastering a certain skill, or when you are preparing for a test- like end of year CRT’s! Each time you complete a lesson, you earn a virtual blue ribbon. Earn ten blue ribbons online and we will mail you a PRIZE!
How do I use Study Island?
·      Follow the steps below as we get you more familiar with Study Island!

1.    To begin, go to

2.    Then use your specific username and password to log in (don't have it or remember it? Email me and I'll remind you!)

3.    Next, look at the toolbar on the left-hand side. 

4.    Now you get to choose if you want to work on the Utah Programs (UT programs) or US programs. 

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5.    For this example I’ll show you kindergarten. I’m going to use US Programs and then go to the Kindergarten tab:

6.    I want to work on math today, so I’m going to click the math tab and this is what comes up:

7.    I clicked on the first practice assignment and then It led me to this screen. Here you will pick whichever method you would like to use (other than the response one). I chose the practice mode. 

8.    Then it leads us to the assignment! Here is an example of what a problem looks like:

9.    Once you are done, it will ask you if you want to review the problems you missed or just end the session.

10.  You have completed your first assignment with Study Island!

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